Saturday, November 14, 2009

My First Post

Hey, guys! So I made this thing, like, two years ago and now I'm getting to actually posting stuff! My bad! I really need to get on here more! >.< My corner of the world looks pretty epic right now! So what kinds of things do most people post things about on here, because I don't want to be one of those super obnoxious people on here that drone on and on about their pathetic little lives. Don't you just hate that? "Today I got up this morning. It was a good day. I went to school and then came home and did my homework like a good kid." Noooo!!! Boooring!! What is there to randomly write about? Well, I guess I'm kinda on a rant right now, ha! Ranting is just awesome, because you say some of the most ridiculous things! xD Anyway, I'm signing off. Please comment this and give me some ideas for blog posts or anything like that, because I am completely lost here!

Peace in the Middle East,